All of the graduates of the Faculty of Science and Letters can pursue an academic career, in which they can contribute to the fundamental sciences if they continue studying at graduate levels. They can also work as teachers at secondary education institutions or as instructors at higher education institutions by supporting the knowledge and skills they obtain in their undergraduate education with pedagogical formation education.
In addition, graduates of the Departments of the Faculty of Science and Letters can work in a wide range of professions in their fields.
Graduates of the Department of Mathematics-Computer Science have the opportunity to work at data processing and planning departments as well as at companies that need specialists in programming, system analysis, technical support, web design and software, banking and insurance, stock exchange, and finance and statistics.
Graduates of the Department of English Language and Literature have the opportunity to work as translators, arts and culture consultants at theatres, and they can work in the fields of press, publishing, advertising, communication and other various sectors of the business world with their critical thinking and effective written and verbal communication skills in English as well as their ability to analyze all types of texts.
Graduates of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature have the opportunity to work at various fields such as press, television and public relations institutions and publishing houses.
Graduates of the Department of Physics have the opportunity to work at the scientific and development laboratories of various institutios and organizations; in other words, by using physical methods, in every field where assessment and analyze is required.
Graduates of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics have the opportunity to work at institutions that provide services in genetic engineering fields and in research and development, application and marketing fields at pharmaceutical, nutrition, medicine, agriculture, breeding and environmental organizations that produce materials and conduct studies based on biotechnology.
Graduates of the Department of Psychology have the opportunity to work at hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, preschools, social services, family courts, or they can work as occupational psychologists in human resources consulting firms, research centers, and factories.